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Sam McGowan was born in approximately 1862-1863  (during slavery in the US or the year the Emancipation of Proclamation was signed) in the state of Mississippi.  His father and mother were both natives of North Carolina.  Sam was from an area near Holly Springs, Waterford, Mississippi.  The US census revealed that there were McGowans living in this area in 1910.  Luanna Thomas was born in approximately 1870-1871 in the State of Mississippi.  Her parents were natives of Virginia.  The family calculates, combined with information from the 1910 US census, that they were married in 1887.  Sam was 24 and Luanna was 16 or 17 years of age.  They bore 14 children and raised 13 to adulthood: Carrie was born in 1888, Rosie was born in 1890, Ida Mae was born in 1891, Eva was born in 1895, Quincy was born in 1897, Havana was born in 1899, Eddie was born in 1901, Sam was born in 1903, Lenora was born in 1906 (Lenora's twin brother, Aubrey died at birth), Booker T. was born in 1909, L. C. was born in 1911, and Shirley was born in 1913.

 The following are the marriage records of Sam and Luanna McGowan's children: Fletcher McGowan married Hattie Bell Neely May 3, 1914; Ida Mae McGowan married Will S. Boyce February 16, 1919; Lenora McGowan married John McGowan September 16, 1926, Shirley McGowan married Isaiah Saulsberry December 27, 1947. 

The offsprings of Sam and Luanna McGowan truly thank God for placing these two wonderful people together and blessing them with all their children.  All the offsprings of Sam and Luanna Thomas McGowan are decease except Mrs. Havana King who has been blessed to live 102 years. 

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Family Tree

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McGowan Family History Pictures

Census Records

Family Deaths and Tombstones

Aunt Havannah McGowan King's Wedding & Home Going

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This section is in honor of the Stanback and Richmond families.  Martin Stanback  and Henry Richmond were born during slavery in the United States (click here to see slave records).  Martin was born in North Carolina in 1828.  His wife, Adline, was also born in North Carolina.  At some period, they moved to Marshall County Mississippi.  On the 1880 Mississippi Marshall County census, they are both categorized as Black   They bore 7 children, Sallie, Henry, Agnee, Shed, Mary, Addie, and James.  They also raised their granddaughter, Mary, who was 11 months of age at this time.  In 1880, their son Henry was 19 years of age.  Henry Stanback's first wife was Laura Boggan, the daughter of Sye and Mary Stanback Boggan.  Sye was the son of Hubbard and Sarah Boggan, who were also born in slavery, and Mary was the daughter of Martin and Adline Stanback.  Laura was the daughter of Hubbard and Sarah Boggan.  Laura Boggan and Henry Stanback bore Clint Stanback, who first married Ivory Nichols.  Clint and Ivory bore a son, Nichols Henry.  Clint's second wife was Eva McGowan.  They bore three sons, Eliehue, Shedrick and Onward.  Henry's second wife was Charlotte Anthony, whom he married on December 26, 1889.  According to the 1910 Mississippi Marshall County census, they were both mulatto and bore 9 children, Edward, Clifton, Clyde, Abner, Claud, Clair, Mary, Alberta, and Adline

On his marriage license, Henry's father, Martin, signed his name "X".  This indicates that he could not write.  Today, Martin and Adline Stanback and Henry and Precilla Richmond have a host of great great great great grandchildren who can both read and write and hold a plethora of occupations and degrees, such as doctorial degrees, Ph.D.s etc., college professor, teachers, preachers, entrepreneurs, real-estate agents, managers, TV broadcasters, laborers etc., and one of who presently attends Yale University, Taiwo F. W. Stanback,  and aspires to be the first Black female President of the United States.     

For more information on the Stanback family from North Carolina, please click the following link


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Family Tree

Massareno Stanback & George "Bo" Richmond's Family

Hubbard and Sarah Boggan
Family Tree

Boggan Family Pictures

Click To View Jeannette Stanback & Children  Family Pictures

Historical Slave Records from US Census

Stanback and Richmond Family History Pictures

Thad Davis & Mary Stanback Davis Family Pictures

Davis Family Pictures

Davis Family Tree

Census Records

Presley Nelms Stanback,

Family History of Presley
Nelms Stanback, Slave-owner

Family Deaths and Tombstones

History of Byhalia, Mississippi in Desoto County

Historical Article of Stanback Family In Byhalia

Pictures of Aunt Havannah and Family Tree Documents Written
 by Eliehue Stanback Sr.

Yohance Stanback & Family - Iraq

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The present day Richmond  and Stanback family members come from a long line of Christians and were never enslaved in America.  Throughout the years, God has been faithful to his word, Deut. 5:9 & 10,  "Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments."  From a child, I remember hearing my mother, Ellen Richmond Stanback, talk about her grandfather, William (Billy) Richmond who was a devout Christian.  According to her, he would pray for hours standing under a tree.  Her father, John Ellis Richmond, helped found Antioch church in Victoria, Mississippi.  According to the 1910 Mississippi Marshall County census, Henry Richmond was born in 1830, during slavery in the US.  His wife's name was Precilla.  They were both born in Virginia and moved to Marshall County in Mississippi.  Henry and Precilla bore 6 children, Byron, Calvin, William, Annie, Rufus, and Victoria.  Their son William (Billy) married Ada Harris, February 18, 1888, and they bore 5 children, Georgie, (John) Ellis, Grover, Ellen, and Boyce.  On January 19, 1917, John Ellis Richmond married Ethel Woods.  They bore 8 children, Jasper, Ellen, Alfred Lee, John Ellis Jr., Boyce, Martha Ann, Ethel, and Alma.  Ellen Richmond Stanback married Eliehue Stanback Sr., the son of Clint Stanback and Eva McGowan Stanback. 

One need only read the genealogy of the McGowan, Stanback, and Richmond families to perceive how good and faithful God has been to them, and he has not finished yet.  God has a purpose for each life that he allows to live on earth, and the families' prayer is that each member represented on this web site fulfills his or her God given purpose in life.  For this is the only way to truly live a joyous life on earth and spend eternity with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


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Richmond and Stanback Family History Pictures

Massareno & George "Bo" Richmond's Family

Census Records

Family Deaths and Tombstones

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2002 North Carolina Stanback Family Reunion

2002 McGowan Stanback & Richmond Family Reunion Pictures